アナウンス英語 Hawaii Airport


Ladies and gentlemen.
We will be taking off shortly.
Please make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened .
Also, please return your seat back and table to their original positions .
Ladies and gentlemen.
We will be dimming the cabin light shortly for the night take off.
your reading light switch can be found on the armrest of your seat.


  Ladies & Gentlemen , welcome to Hawaii.
We have just landed at Honolulu Airport.

The time here is now 10:20 (in the morning) .

For your safety and comfort, may we ask you to remain seated
untill the Captain has turned off the seat belt sign .
May we also advise you to take care
when you open the overhead compartments .
Items, which may have moved during the flight may slip out .

Please be reminded to keep your cellphones switched off
until you are outside the aircraft.


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for flying with ABC airlines flight △△ to ○○.
Your captain is Tanaka and my name is Amemiya, your chief purser.
Please make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened.
We will be showing our safety demonstration video shortly.

In the event of an emergency, those passengers seated at the exit doors
will be asked to assist the crew members.
Our flight time to ○○ is expected to be 4 hours and 30 minutes.
May we remind you that this is a strictly no-smoking flight.
This will include the aisle and the restrooms.
Your cabin attendants are looking forward to serving you,
so please do not hesitate to call us anytime.
We hope you will enjoy your flight with us.


We apologize for the delay in our arrival .

《Bad weather》

We regret we were not be able to perform a complete service
due to the turbulence en route .


  Your crew would like to thank you for flying with ABC Air Lines today.
We are looking forward to seeing you on board again .
We wish you a very pleasant stay here in Honolulu .

source : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1313826808




Ladies and gentlemen.
The seat belt sign has just been turned off.
For your own safety , please keep your seat belt fastened at all times
as a precaution against any sudden turbulence.

Those passengers who wish to use their blankets are asked to fasten
thier seat belts over the blanket.

Ladies and gentlemen.

We are expecting some turbulence.
The Captain has instructed all cabin attendants to be seated.
Please fasten your seat belt securely and refrain from using the rest rooms
while the sign is on.




Ladies and gentlemen.
The seat belt sign has just been turned off.
For your own safety , please keep your seat belt fastened at all times
as a precaution against any sudden turbulence.

Those passengers who wish to use their blankets are asked to fasten
their seat belts over the blanket.

Ladies and gentlemen.

We are expecting some turbulence.
The Captain has instructed all cabin attendants to be seated.
Please fasten your seat belt securely and refrain from using the rest rooms
while the sign is on.

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